The Seasoned Witch 

In the alchemy of life, a witch transforms challenges into opportunities and adversity into triumph

Resilient Ritualist

A collection of essays, inspired by the philosophy of thought from Rachael Astarte and her Spirit Soul Group. 

With considerations towards ancient gnostic practices and occult teachings. Exclusively crafted to offer a unique opportunity to expand the unified knowledge and enhance the current understandings of the collective psychic abilities.

Rachael Astarte, a renowned expert in the field, has curated this collection with great care and expertise. Drawing upon ancient wisdom and mystical practices, she brings forth a wealth of knowledge that will empower you on your spiritual journey.

From exploring the secrets of divination to harnessing the power of energy healing, these teachings cover a wide range of topics that will help you unlock your psychic powers that we are all gifted with. 

Dive into mystical realms and discover spiritual treasures of truth. As a guide, Rachael Astarte, channels Spirit, co-creating ascensional topics of insight, to catapult you to the next level of  psychical, critical thought. 


Out of the Light & into the Darkness 

A short essay by Rachael Astarte


During our lives we find that we are faced with great demands that are placed upon us. Our shared experience is that from a very young age, we are given instruction and timeframes to accomplish goals that are set for us. Almost immediately, expectations of achievement are put upon us, according to time. Upon reflection, we may not have reached some milestones, not an emotion, which we need to dwell on for long. 



Though it is true, for most, that this only ever really leads to a tendency to strive to do better. A drive within us, that no matter what failures we experience, we know we can, and do, try again. We learn from our mistakes, we grow from experience; and always, continue to move forwards on our spiritual journeys. This is our spiritual growth. The drive, being God within us. Nevertheless, we can also accept, that we wish to receive recognition for our good deeds, and the hard work that we put in to overcome our difficulties. 



We as humans, have a tendency to expect what we give, we shall receive. We are taught that life is like a mirror, a reflection of our selves. In that sense, we receive what we send out to the world. So that if we are good people, and do good acts for humanity, then we will receive blessings. In a materialistic sense, we need recognition that comes from outside of ourselves. Yet, life (outside of us), does not always reward us for our achievements. 



We do have a tendency to live our lives with time at its forefront, and achieving as its sentiment. We should be practicing and exploring further the concepts of mindfulness. Understanding the ways in which we can be presently aware, in order to feel the peace, our connection to the Divine gives us; by discovering ways to be in a present state of mind. 



For all that, we can just as much recognise ourselves as being led by our minds, which at times, can disturb our peace: by making us believe we need to achieve expectations, created from past experiences; to fulfil us. We have a drive to achieve. Reach our potential. Yet we give ourselves a timeframe to meet these, according to what society expects of us. In such a way, that it is unrealistic. As we are all individuals, with our own abilities and purpose. 



It is a mistake for us to measure ourselves against others in this way. Yet, we can agree, our minds exist within a complex narrative, shaped by our thoughts; reflecting back and forth, along its own timeline. Let us accept that we are simply spiritual beings having a human experience. Souls, experiencing a conscious awareness, made up of complex thoughts. 



Our true self is without the constraints of time. We are all a part of God, as an expression of his love. We are all, each, a part of a Divine spiritual consciousness. Enclosed within a body that is responding to the senses only: with our minds creating emotions, it believes are suitable to what it is experiencing. These emotions, causing a rippling effect, from our past experiences; as well as our future hopes. Ultimately, it is our thoughts that truly drive us. Afterall, they are what make decisions, cause reactions; and it is our mind that decides whether we feel love or hate, like or dislike, sadness or happiness etc. 



We must be wise towards our thoughts. As we can create realities within our minds that are so powerfully real, at the extreme, can cause us unnecessary distress. The phrase, ‘worry yourself sick,’ is pertinent to just how much our thoughts can affect us. Thus, it is worthy to discern the ways in which we can master our minds, by seeking the truth, becoming further enlightened. We have the capacity to change our mindset by changing our thoughts. 



Done well, it is a wonderful self-soothing technique. By becoming presently conscious, we enable a sense of trust within ourselves, allowing us to find solutions to any problem we may face. If we are to understand the hermetic principle of polarity, then we can take value in that it is possible for us to change our thoughts. In this sense, love and hate, hot and cold, happy and sad; are all but two of the same thing. They are simply polar opposites, one extreme of the other. There are but few who have not experienced a change of mind due to new information becoming available. 



We are able to change our opinions, so why not our feelings at will? To be able to change our perspective. To alter feelings of distress into peace. To during times of crisis, be able to overcome with faith alone. To forgive, and pray in love, for those who have harmed us. These are all examples of spiritual awareness. That all we really need to change, are the feelings we have for ourselves. For all feelings, regardless of their target, remain within us. It is the mirror effect after all. 



As enlightened beings, we both accept and trust in God, and our loved ones in spirit. So why not put the same trust in ourselves? In that everything tends to work out in the end. There, in the middle of the pole, as the observer, we find peace. For there, is nothing but the moment. No previous experience, nor future expectations, can truly exist in the present. Only our connection to God, as the Divine consciousness; our true essence. Positive thoughts create their own rippling effect. 



It is written: ‘Open thy mouth wide and I will fill it,’ Psalm 81. Certainly, a reflection on the importance, as well as effectiveness of prayer. The spoken word. Yet, what words (our thoughts), really fill our mind and thus our soul? It is natural for us to look towards others and find fault. These times we open the mouth, filled with words that are often not our own. Our ears are naturally more open to words of hatred than love. 



We find at times, our society is more quick to accuse than to forgive, and thus those words from ego flow freely. As Chinese whispers, they may change from one mouth to the other, though they always begin in the same place. Existing within the darkness: the place of the unknown and often, misunderstood. 



It was believed by the ancient thinkers that God became consciously aware in the darkness. That the universe was created through a curiosity. A mental creation from an act of God’s will. As a seed, the universe was planted and then cared for, the gift of existence. Observed by God, as a gardener would, with a loving patience, watching over a flower he has planted, slowly grow. 



Certainly, as the seed, we are created in the darkness, which is simply the unknown, what we yet cannot see. Our first act was to find a way out, we saw a light and headed directly for it. There, we were born into a world, filled with confusing ideas and contradictory concepts; a kaleidoscope of possible realities. 



These realities, a construct from those around us. It is true, our care givers were and still are, the first to teach us our understanding of the world around us. Let us return to God’s words for a moment: ‘Open thy mouth wide and I will fill it.’ We must be careful of what words fill our minds. It is certain that our moods can change swiftly. 



For those times, when we may see, hear, or feel something that troubles us, can truly shape our perceptual awareness. Being ultimately, our feelings of self and thus our future decisions. In its extreme, an experience alone, can shape our philosophy of life. There are those who may consider that their negative behaviour is because of an earlier experience in their life. 



Can this not be portrayed as allowing ourselves to stay in that moment? Is it not better for us to forgive ourselves and others, to find ways to improve upon our own character of self? For if we stay in moments of despair, regret and blame, can we not find ourselves becoming that which we resent? Surely, in this sense, we are giving over our true power, our free-will. We are but a reflection of our realities. 



The world around us is like looking into a pool of water. At times it is clear, we are able to see ourselves in a distinctive, positive light. Other times, we cannot see ourselves but for the opinions and actions of others. As conscious beings of thought, how do we ultimately fill ourselves with words of positive intent? Let us choose our words carefully, keep our thoughts in the habit of love, allowing the light within us to be felt bravely. 



As enlightened beings, let us continue to shine our gift. Our connection to source, through the dark, somewhat fearful, unknown waters. As beacons of peace, we carry the light of the divine within us all. We must become the observers of our thoughts, understanding that in reality, they are neither positive or negative. They are but vibrations, rippling on the mental plane, that we can envision as a constant moving tide of emotions. Knowing fully that what we fill ourselves with, becomes us. 



When Adam fell, as an interpretation, is the first sin. Eve taking a bite from an apple. The tree the apple was taken from, a representation of the tree of life and true knowledge. Death was the consequence given to Adam and Eve. A limit on the life experience. It is of worth to consider that the fall was the beginning of the journey of enlightenment for Adam and Eve. In that we can fall either way upon the pole of polarity. We can go either way. 



It is worthy to consider that the fall, in a spiritual sense, is symbolic of negative thoughts, driven by the ego. Whilst to rise from that fall, entering a state of positive thought, is a chance for us to reach ultimate bliss: by means of our own spiritual discoveries of what life means for us. For God, did not take away anything that was not already freely ours. He gave us all the gift of free will. An opportunity to exist through him. Through his awareness of the universe that was created by his will. His curiosity for what exists and why, is ours to consider also. 



Death is simply an ending of one experience for the other. It has its limits, simply from the concept that death is an ending. A construct was made, time was created and formed as something that we should work against. Time is not given to us as a restraint, just as much as the concept of death isn’t a constraint. 



As enlightened beings, we know that the reality is, death does not exist. It is simply something that we were taught. Though we are only to feel this, if we allow ourselves to exist within the constraints of thought. We are taught to always seek the light. The end of our journey is ironically what we all seek. We go through life with our beliefs that were taught to us as children. 



At times, they slightly shift, if we allow new concepts in. How as enlightened beings, do we work to show the world there is nothing to fear by living through the darkness? The darkness simply being the journey towards the ultimate enlightened state of being. Where we allow, at times, the light to be but a flicker within us. Those times when are good deeds are not being seen. Yet, holding our faith, by trusting that all will be revealed when it is meant to. 



We should strive to be careful with what we think and say, as this always becomes our reality. Instead, let us take steps towards challenging our negative thoughts into positive ones. By changing hate into love, jealousy into pride. Accepting us all and everything neutrally, allows us the breathing space to transmute our sense of wellbeing into a truly peaceful, divine state of being. 



We need to be encouraging others that to live is everlasting and that our spiritual self continues its journey even after death. Removing the constraints of time itself in this way, should be our priority. What of encouraging people to live within the darkness? In the sense that it is but us, fearlessly, experiencing the as yet, unknown. 



Allowing ourselves to explicitly trust in a higher power (the light within) to guide us back to before the fall of man. Can we change the concept of Adam’s fall as a process? A journey back to the light, seeking the enlightenment, the knowledge that both Adam and Eve sought? 



The story of Adam and Eve allows us to understand that our journey here upon earth is one of returning to our light. Though it was never lost, as our minds will at times make us believe. Our human experience is to feel pain at times, to face adversity, loss and rejection. Though, instead of adding it to the dark place that resides in us all, let us transmute our painful experiences into ones of hope. Of faith that we always will return to that which we began. 



Because we never left. The divine light, which we seek is within us. Though at times it may feel all-encompassing to experience life fully. It is a gift. Life, is to understand we are our own creators in how we feel at any given moment, regardless of time. We should be more open to the concept of life as a polarity, of opposing ends of the same thing. 



Allowing our minds to broaden our beliefs and understanding of this human experience, given to us by man’s first sin. To appreciate the light and the dark as one of the same thing: all but an experience. A chance to learn and gain inspiring knowledge and meaningful insight. An understanding of the world, God created from his divine love by means of experiencing universal truth. 



Perhaps, allowing for more acceptance to alternative ideas and concepts. For all spiritual knowledge is to guide us in connecting with our higher power. Those insights further expanding our awareness of God as Love, which is found within all religions, all faiths. For there, we truly find God as a representation, which began as one inquisitive, positive thought. 




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