Presently Conscious 

Spiritual Intuitive Medium
Rachael Astarte 

A link to the Other World 

Alchemising the Power of Spirit

A True Connection to the Divine Consciousness


Presently Conscious is the spiritual platform, representing Rachael Astarte and her Spirit Soul Group, who work together in service; as guided by the Divine Will. 

Rachael, the founder of Presently Conscious is a Spiritual Intuitive Medium, born-gifted to connect with Spirit and the Angels. 

By using her mediumistic gifts, Rachael lifts the veil between the two worlds. Walking through the underworld, to connect with your loved ones in Spirit. 


After experiencing her own spiritual awakening, Rachael took steps to develop her mediumistic abilities, as well as her own psychic powers.

Rachael is currently in her fourth year of mediumship development. Her current focus being trance mediumship. 

Rachael holds a strong ambition to continue her training, in order to be a true servant to Spirit and the Divine.  


As well as offering mediumship services, Presently Conscious recognises the need amongst the spiritual community for answers to questions, all revolving around the meaning of life. 

By combining gnostic approaches with philosophical thought, Presently Conscious, as a platform, aims to grow (and share) our understandings in spiritual areas of interest such as:

The Human Experience

The God Consciousness

The Beginnings of Ancient Humanity


We begin by acknowledging that our departure here on earth is only our spiritual selves stepping through a doorway, as an astral light; onwards we go to the next world, continuing to experience conscious life. 


Presently Conscious is a part of the Great, Creative Awakening.  A Soul Group, created within the Divine Silence. Here, now, to raise awareness of the human experience. 

Sharing the great, wondrous Truth. That this life is only one part of our true, spiritual existence. That we are forever becoming, within a continuous, spiritual journey of self development. One whose destination may be unknown, though the path is fully illuminated to those who are ready to hear.


Presently Conscious, is merely a perception of spiritual truth, guidance and insight. For the answers you truly seek, lie within yourself; in your breath [Yahweh] God. 



Presently Conscious 

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